Mon 27 Jan
¨*- :¦:-* A:L:L N:A:T:U:R:A:L *-: ¦ :-*¨¨*. SWEET*-: ¦ :-*¨¨* & SEXY !!(Puerto Rican) - 24
**PhaT*** (B)ooTY. ur special treat IS aWaIting u military special lovely 2 girl specials - 21
(Yuma, My place or urs)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
100HH Spec SexY=)) Green eyed o•★© (=ADDICTIVE=) beauty MILITARY SPECIALS CuTie WitH SMaCkABle BooTy - 25
(Yuma, Yuma In Calls/Out Calls)
★ SuPeR FrEaKy •★• GoRgEoUs & KiNkY •★ SeXxY EbONy •★• Up all Night - 23
(Yuma, In/outcall specials * Yuma* call now)
•80 Specials•☎ Available NOW 💋 Beautiful Petite Goddess*😘 $80 Specials •CALL ME NOW !! After 2 Speci - 21
(Yuma, Yuma in-outcalls)
PReTTY FaCe)(SeXY CuRvES)(*BOOTY LooK*)(*100%ReaL PiCS *AmAZiNG jacki* ♥So SuPeR (SeXxY) - . - 21
(Yuma, 16 street)
°o©°* ((=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °★©° ((=WeTT=)) °o©° - 20
(where we need to be((yuma)))
💋👅💦👄💧 ExótiC 💞💞💞💕💓❤️ Beauty 💧💦👅😘😘💋 💞💋💦💧Available Now 💦😉💞💘💦💧❤️💋� - 20
(Yuma, Yuma, Az (incall & outcall)
`•°` EARlY MORNiNG SPECiALS°•`• - 420 FRiENDlY - •°• ReeynaHawk$ AVAiLAbLe N0W `°•` - 19
(Yuma, YUMA inCALLS)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off!
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, 1)
Sun 12 Jan
Upper Class, White, American Hottie!! Services Include A Complete Body Massage! - 30
(Yuma, Yuma, Az)
Sat 11 Jan
Ebony L♥vers' #1 Pick ⎷ ⎛ T H I C Kness ☆ . * ☆ . BeAuTy!!!!! - 25
(Yuma, 5 star incall/ outcall avail)
* £xot!c Tr¡n¡d@d Pla¥m@t£ * Put M€ On ¥our To-Do L¡$t * - 23
(Phx North, Phoenix & Scottsdale incall & outcall)
a fun buddy with no strings attached
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, everywhere)
Fri 10 Jan
*°♥ °O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N °♥* EBONY BEAUTY!!! - 26
(Yuma, yuma-outcalls & incalls)
*$$before lunch BeSt SPecial! Come Try Me ! Sexy Ebony & PuertoRican ! - 20
(Yuma, yuma incalls&outcalls;)
💋[AVAiLABLE RiGHT NoW! *] ———— 💋ExoTic LaTiNa PlayMaTe 💋————[ Up LaTe.. CaLL NoW! ! ]💋💋 IN - 21
(Yuma, Yuma in - outcalls)
SEDUCTIVE EYES, gorgeous body, flirty, passionate and playful! - 19
(Flagstaff, In town, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
🔥Hot &sweetSupersoaker; 💦bettaThan 🍌her☝ÄnD Them👇PetitiFigure Bombshell🔥🔥👌Super Skiïlled🍌New&ready; 💦 - 21
(32nd St Be there around 3pmCALLME, Phoenix, West Valley, Yuma)
Thu 09 Jan
FeAtUrEiNG👉{♡NEW♡} NiKkiJaY💋IN🏨80HhSpEcIaL ✔CoMe SpLaShiN MyY WaTeRfAlLs💦 BiGBoOtYyBeAuTyY💄🎀 - 22
(Phx North, 17th&Dunlap; Phoenix Incall&Outcalls;)
NeW ExOtIc BiG BoOtY CuTiE! Is It WoRtH mY DrIve?!?! Ur ReSpOnSe WiLl HeLp Me DeCiDe!!! - 23
(Yuma, yuma....possibly)
The Girl Mom Warned You About.... Is All Grown Up Now! - 19
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
S°• I •°M°• P°•L •° Y •° ☆ G.♥.•° R.°• G. °• E °• ♥ °• U° ° S - HOT beutiful latina REAL TS - - 21
Wed 08 Jan
Want Out? National Free Help 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
I want to be your girl tonight
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
L°_E _°T°_° S° ► ( 100 Special )◄ °P° _°L°_ °A°_° Y° - 20
(16th incall/outcall Yuma, AZ)
Tue 07 Jan
80 Specials—— • ( SPICY ) • —— (BOMBSHELL ) —— • ( I DONT SAY NO ) • —— ( VERY SEXY ) —— • - - 19
(Yuma, Yuma off 16th st - In Calls)
°•★ FORGET THE REST °•☆• SPECIALS GREAT A** ••° I cAn Do WhAt sHe cAnT 80 special - 21
(Yuma, incall US hero sPecials/ outcall special)
██★██ ◆$pECIALs █♣█ ◆ Perfect ChOicE 80 spec █$█ ◆1OO% REAL ! Asian/blk ██♥██ Very JuiCy sPeC. - 21
(Yuma, in/outcall 80 late nite, earlybird spec)